Real-time inspiration and recognition

Employee-centric journey of inspiration, growth, interaction and creation

To present value and significance of employee’s work and behavior results for others and organization, and to enable the inspiration of work mission

Platform for employees to achieve performance improvement and innovation collaboration such as self-participation, autonomy, rewarding and ability development

Onboarding interactions can help new employees better integrate

Data or information is accumulated to enable non-synchronous communication, reduction of costs for collaboration, communication and transaction of companies

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Corporate culture, public welfare and Party building

Present the values and behaviors of employees and teams, and provide the basis for cultural goals, achievements and performance

Gain insight, establish, examine and sustain organizational values through the production, flow and dissemination of information.

Let public welfare and party building truly integrate into the organizational culture and talent incentives, quickly display and spread the key information with actions of public welfare and Party building within the group

The practice and iteration of the Total Rewards and corporate culture evaluation system

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Employee Community

Comprehensive digital work and information flows to promote innovation

Employee Community allows knowledge and innovation to be discovered, integrated and used

Construct formal and informal virtual public gardens

Task assignment, reward-based tasks, voting and selection are all available to inspire the creativity and pool the wisdom and efforts of all employees

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Help HR focus on core business and empower enterprises by reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

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